Celina Bryant, Executive Director, and Senator Gay Kernan presented a NMCADV Community Hero Award to The Artesia Cowbelles on Thursday January 30, 2020. The ceremony took place at The Roundhouse in Santa Fe during Domestic Violence Day of Action 2020. The Cowbelles were acknowledged for their continuous acts of generosity for Grammy’s House. The Cowbelles have donated countless household supplies and hygiene products on a monthly basis for many years. Grammy’s House will be forever grateful to the group of beautiful ladies who give selflessly in support of the mission. Thank you a million times over to The Artesia Cowbelles!
The Community Heroes Awards commemorate the actions community leaders and businesses have made to advance domestic violence advocacy in their communities. Each year domestic violence programs from around the state nominate local community members for their contributions and support to victims and advocates. Community Heroes promote work against violence, safety for the entire community, and have shown their commitment to making a difference for victims and survivors in our state.