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COVID-19 Update

Attention: Update We are still open! However, we still have to follow the Governor’s orders. If you need to speak with someone at Grammy’s House please follow these steps: 1. Call 575-748-1198 or 575-365-5144 2. The person on the phone will speak with you...

Grammy’s House Thanks Rocky Maynes

We want to personally thank Rocky Maynes and his partner for helping us move appliances from one building to another. We are so grateful to Rocky and his colleague. We truly believe that God puts people like them in our path when we need them the most. We thank you...

I Married a Survivor

This article was written by a person that married a domestic violence survivor. They write about the difference in their relationship and attitudes toward eachother from the beginning and now. The writer also gives loving advice on handling situations with a domestive...